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Don’t you agree we need to improve efficiency and economy? Revolutionary thinking is “there has to be something better.” Our company means to solve problems using an alternate method to operate engines with electronic parts. Problems need solutions. Solutions and algorithm advances are in generation 2 (gen2) engines.This control system is a product launch. An adaptable system uses the first technology of its kind in a pending patent. Here’s an example of a change -A computing system intermittently activates valves and fuel injectors. Intermittent means inconsistently or when determined by a control device. See a comparison? It’s an important advance. A difference is “changeable” engines run without “dedicated” duty cylinders. A cam isn’t in the system because a computer sends current to electromagnet valve actuators. Controllable electronics use a computing system.

Six years were used to develop this because the control systems are versatile and stable. Engines could freely spin to use less fuel because it challenges our presumptions. Engine operation includes several variable apps.Good lab results can be obtained with aid from donations or a benefactor (supporter). Consider helping develop our technical progress for engines we already use also. There could be a solid future of modernizing current engines “in use.” Our company can provide non-exclusive licenses or assemble kits to solve problems for those “being made” and to retro-fit engines “in use.”

There’s a valuable improvement coming from lab research. Nothing else is like this. Join the research for solutions.Creation of an optional method could solve 7 problems in unique ways. The solutions are:

  1. Dedicated duty (a weakness);becomes variable, adaptable duty using computing control,
  2. Limited fuel mileage; or it could radically improve to an unknown mpg (indefinite %),
  3. Fuel (any density); could be combined (instead of just one fuel) with another fuel,
  4. Engines have limited power; they could have double HP or they’ll be ½ the size,
  5. Components could be reduced (~50%); engines may cost less (~50%),
  6. Four stroke operation; 2 separate modes,
  7. Coolant radiators could be tiny, e.g., most cylinders can be deactivated.

A campaign can introduce our adaptable alternate system to run an engine. Variable duty could be universal. R&D needs to be completed to prove our science is a legitimate value. A versatile computing system is a method with promise because it is another way to run an engine. It is engineer approved.

Patent pending tech covers electronic (digital) operation & may supersede cam-based (mechanical) duty. Piston engines may then – use any fuel, have changeable firing, produce more power and provide more mpg (one or more cylinders could occasionally work to sustain rpm). If a steady speed is maintained it is an advantage. Free spinning (occasional pulses) has promise because higher mpg may be proven.

We’ll study what limited pulses do as proof it helps fuel economy. Time (sec.) between ignitions of an engine’s designated chamber is how stats show a savings. Reserve (deactivated) cylinders have exhaust valves open until a master control sends current to activate injectors and valve solenoids to produce an explosion. There is no back pressure to decrease rpm when valves are open. For example, 5 seconds between pulses 288 fuel drops aren’t used at idle. Idle is 600 rpm or 12 drops are used in a minute but normally a cylinder uses 300 drops. Each cylinder uses 300 drops in a minute so a 6 cylinder uses 1,800 at idle instead of 12. Fuel can be extended esp. at 3,000 rpm. 3,000 rpm is 5 times as many drops in a minute. 5 X 1,800 = 9,000 drops compared to 5 X 12 = 60 drops. Another example illustrates the savings. For a 20 min. trip 180,000 drops are normal… compared to 1,200 (60 X 20 min). Efficiency is notable.

About 90% (to be proven) less energy may be used. Doesn’t higher mpg make sense? 20X the present mpg should be in a website video on social networks (20 X 20 = 400 mpg, or 20 X 25 mpg= 500 mpg). Fuel costs of $3,500/yr. could be $70/yr. plus engines perform at the same level. Acceptance is expected after the control system is proven. Kits can be assembled & marketing can start.

A market can be calculated because engines “in production” and ones “in-use” could have kits. Daily new engine production is +26,500 in the US.26,500 kits contain on-the-shelf parts. The market can be 6.9 Million (MM) kits in a year ($132.5 Billion profit). There are 350 M engines “in-use” in the US worth $269.2 B or ¼ of the world’s market is worth $1.077 T (trillion) to convert. Speculation is favourable because a profit is likely with this proposal. The market could follow the $ levels shown. A “dedicated” operation engine market should decrease because our technology may supersede it.

A market for variable action, durable engines is unknown (possible it’s unlimited) because engineers didn’t discover it. Lab tests of the innovative, exciting design can be done in days. See the lab data.

Financially :

Target market is engine builders first. A $3,000 kit (4 cylinder engine) for assemblers provides $2,600 profit. Most engines are 4 cylinder (58% of 26,500/day is 15,370) makes 15,370 X $2,600 profit = $39.962 M/day. For 6 cylinder (30% of 26,500/day is 7,950) makes 7,950 X 3,400 profit = $31 M/day. For 8 cylinder (12% of 26,500/day is 3,180) is 3,180 X $5,200 profit = $17.172 M/day. Profit is $88 M/day from engine assemblers for 26,500 kits$88 M X 260 days = $4.49 B/yr. profit.

Web retail sales make 25% more than sales to engine assemblers. $4,000 retail (4 cylinder engine) one
provides $3,600 profit X 580 kits (58% of 1,000) = $2,088,000 profit/day. $6,000 retail (6 cylinder)
provides $5,400 profit X 300 kits (30% of 1,000) = $1,620,000 profit/day. $8,000 retail (8 cylinder)
provides $7,200 profit X 120 kits (12% of 1,000) = $864,000 profit/day. For 1,000 kits the total profit is
$4.572 M/day for retail sales. For 10,000 kits the profit is $45.72 M/day for retail sales from the web.

In the future we consider supplying the efficient kits. They’re attainable and worth pursuing. If engine assemblers get non-exclusive license rights from the patentee they could produce kits after the lab testing. The company could have a solid future modernizing current engines with kits at retail stores and on the web. Updating engines has not been considered before. Market size is 350 M engines for personal and commercial vehicles. Our US military has 18 M vehicles to retro-fit. There are 1.2 B vehicles in the world to improve. The markets are large enough for years (decades) of updating. A supporter should recognize the market size is valuable for their investment portfolio. Viral demand is possible.

A valuable advance was discovered. Is it true you are happy with technologies that benefit vehicles in the world? It’s a good thing, isn’t it? Your interest is welcome. It’s a vital evolution since the first engine patent made by French Alphonse Beaude Rochas in 1862 (161 yrs. ago).We’ll use social networking display ads with a video. A response is unknown… unless videos present system results that are proven facts.Data must be evaluated for due diligence because it is a good solution. A financial arrangement to share production profit binds the arrangement. Use the business relationship (licensing) agreement.

Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TMPO Box 170115, Birmingham, Al 35217

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