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Creation of an alternative electronic method to operate engines to fix problems, e.g., improve power, save fuel and reduce carbon pollution is discussed. We’ll determine and work out the concerns, reveal how our solutions improve operation, then summarize the results.

Problems :

Continuous (dedicated) duty when all cylinders are active is a problem. Fuel use is too high if we keep cam assemblies. Cam assemblies can’t be improved. There are inadequacies, and deficiencies of using one fuel, having less power and wasting 99% of the fuel. Cams can’t fix the 3 problems.

Implementation :

To resolve the issues stated the engineering can be changed. Two weeks of research are proposed to study the alternative electronic method to control cylinder activation and deactivation. Technology of the pending patent uses components that may be assembled into kits after approval of the variable control system. Each kit can be assembled in minutes from on the shelf electronic parts. Engine assemblers will be offered kits first because 26,500 engines are assembled daily in the US. That’s 6.9 MM in a year. Customers could get retail retro-fit kits for engines in-use.

Return on investment :

Substantiating a quick return for funds engine suppliers are offered adaptable control system kits to improve new vehicles first. 26,500 kits/day for engine assemblers (suppliers) is a fast return for an investment. Engine suppliers pay 7.5X kit cost for our exclusive systems and retail is 10X kit cost at retail distributors and on the web.

Cost containment :

We can bring down expense for components when the volume increases. Cost for parts could be contained further.When a retail kit market is open; expansion is expected to require a new plan to supply the retro-fit kits.

There Shouldn’t Be Barriers :

Engine suppliers may have an extreme demand for a control system that changes. The changescan be explained. The developer predicted they’ll suddenly want systems. Keeping up with demandcould be great for support backers due to a high return for their help. Whenexclusive kits are possibly the hottest thing on the market… there may be no barriers to supply them to the world.

Long Term Rewards :

There is an advantage for engine assembly plants because they can speed up dramatically. The discovery resolves issues of time to produce each engine. The need for less components could be half the expense for tooling and assembly. Each engine could be ½ the size but create the same HP. Modified engines could be the only ones on the market (universal application) and provide a good future. Demand could be unlimited and never end.

Research :

Moving spark timing to after top dead center (TDC) could have explosive power to push down the piston stronger. Ignition could be closer to 90o after TDC when a piston is movingfast. From lab data an advantage is seen about having pressure from ignition (~600#/in2) closer to 90o after TDC.

Conclusion :

Systems could use any fuel or fuels, produce more power, make engines more efficient and reduce atmospheric pollution. Pressure below fuel ignition thresholdsat TDC eliminates a need for anti-knock compounds.Air reaches 900oto expand 1,200 times to ~600 psi at 90o past TDC.