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dba.,Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TM
PO Box 170115
Birmingham, AL 35217
Contact- P. R. Otto (Paul), CEO            Mar. 25, 2023

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This plan contains confidential trade-secrets and is shared only with an understanding that you do not share its contents with third parties without express written consent of the plan’s author. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) needs a signature. Stop here until you complete a NDA agreement.Our main office sends a copy of a NDA to you. Thank you.

Information is the restricted property of I Care Creations, LLC. Content we’re sharing should not be distributed or discussed beyond the agreed parties. This business plan helps to define how to fund the business operation. Our engineering is a 2nd gen. engine (Gen 2). See the tech brochure for more info. We submitted an engine operation technology for a patent. There’s an accord about a change to have better results. Manufacturers are likely or production of adaptable operation engine systems is considered. Licensing can be discussed with the developer after reading the Business Plan. Of course, you’re free to choose to make a licensingor partnership agreement if interested in production.

Executive Summary

Engines are common today. An ultimate technical break-through can transform our thinking. This plan will explain the value of our special electronic system. Patented new technologies solve problems. Learn about new scientific engineering. Electronic control is a good thing and could revolutionize the engine industry.Engine configurations will continue as they have unless proven efficient control systems come to service. Fuel from any source will be common after our means is verified. You could like this product launch. Aren’t you intrigued by advances benefitting transportation? Many discoveries are valuable and deserve research because it challenges our presumptions. We’ll operate after $ support for research happens from promotion.

The engineering is about an ultimate technology that may be shown essential & valuable for humanity.  Second generation (gen 2) scientific technologies for engines may become universal. Beside a pending patent explained here several more allowed patents could have widespread use in the world.There’s a valuable improvement coming from lab research. It’s a new day with a “dynamic duty”advance. Our business plan explains why our business should exist & be allowed to improve lives. You’re free to choose to ignore or join this.Welcome what we’re offering backers.See Investment Opportunity.

Abstract“Our business proposal is based on developing a changeable technology that’s unknown, being studied and developed.” Devices for engine applications could solve 7 problems.Creation of an optional method to operate engines is here to solve 7 problem sin unique ways-1. Dedicated duty (it uses now) could be variable duty with computing control (adaptable), 2. Limited fuel mileage improves radically to a higher mpg (unknown %) with“intermittent” duty,3. Engines use one fuel now but fuel could be any density (two fuels could be combined) without anti-knock compounds, 4. Engine’s limited power could be higher so engines could be smaller, 5. Components could be reduced 50% so engines may be lower cost, 6.Coolant systems could have tiny radiators (most cylinders are deactivated until power pulses are needed), 7. Four stroke operation could use two cylinders with separate processes (each has a 2 stroke cycle). What could improve an engine needs research.

I Care Creations, LLC , dba.,Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TM (OCSI) develops innovative products to solve problems.Discoveries are a reason for our business’ existence to make lives better. I’ll reveal many reasons our products should exist to benefit us. Our business can begin when it has a means to scientifically prove intermittent electronic engineering, license the technology (allow a group to produce “systems”), contract a company to assemble kits, or develop variable mode engine control kits at our factory. Discovery of an adaptable engine was submitted to the USP TO for legal protection of inventor’s rights. A pending patent protects a 2nd gen.engine operation idea to transform engines. Advances that are ground-breaking engineering of a simple concept could improve transportation.Good results from lab research with aid from donations, a supporting backer or a partner’s help.


Now engine operation is “dedicated” (only works one way). The technical problem is limited performance.  A serious problem is engine cams. Today’s problem is about fuel waste, less power and limited mpg “dedicated” service engines have.Serious problems can’t be fixed with today’s “dedicated” operation technology.

Validation of Problem and Solution

Problems stated above can be validated by what we’re presenting here. A solution to performance problems is explained. Business model validation is about identifying a hypothesis. Our model is about the technology but the business model is about customers. We’re not in contact with customers yet so we don’t make assumptions. A deep understanding about their needs is beyond the scope of our experience. Testing the reactions of customers will be a part of interactions.


Our business is here to successfully solve problems. Problems need solutions and advances are available in second generation (2nd gen.) engines.Adaptable modes of engine performance wasn’t achieved by a “dedicated” operating system prior to what is described here. This alternate method called dynamic duty is second generation (2nd gen.) engine technology. Becoming an alternative engine operating system could revolutionize the world. Adapting new engine operating systems could transform the transportation industry. Patent pending technology covers electronic (digital) operation that may supersede cam-based (mechanical) duty. Piston engines may use any fuel, have changeable firing, produce more power and provide more mpg (one or more cylinders could occasionally work to maintain rpm). This is an advantage once a “steady” speed is obtained. Freewheeling (occasional pulses) has promise because higher mpg may be proven with lab research. A promising Case Study is available.

See Press and Media Releases to send for immediate posting on Journalist Networks. Go to Marketing  Plan & see the implementation explanation.

Our business will be a means to resolve many problems by producing an engine supplement product. An opportunity is here now to benefit from. Our business could license or produce a product with less problems. Our method is to make a valiant effort to solve problems with special technical advances. A software company showed interest in the first draft of the algorithm for the master control of the computing system.We need Letters of Intent from interested transportation industry administrators with license requests. Research funding is welcome.

Our product is an adaptable control system for engines. A sensor monitors a magnet on the flywheel. It provides the data used by the computing system for controlling rpm. An electronic method uses a computing system. We need a solution so engines could “freewheel” for limited periods. Freewheel means “disconnected.” The control system does something similar when valves move using electromagnets. They can be open or closed. If they are open& injectors off an engine can freewheel to reduce fuel waste. No fuel is used until the master control requests a pulse or pulses. In the future, cams can be replaced so engines could operate electronically to freewheel (spin) when the master control opens valves (no back pressure).The developer’s reason for this feature is to advance an engine’s operation to reduce the fuel wasted.

See a brochure for tech info.A flier is separate from this business plan for tech presentations. The market potential for this feature is explained there.Market potential is good. Present engines need a simple electronic control to replace mechanical valve trains. The “dynamic duty” system is innovative and is an opportunity to improve engines. Did you see the value of replacing “dedicated” duty systems?

Marketing Plan

A market for a variable duty engine has potential to be on top.It’s what we’re doing, as you’ll see. The future market of efficient engines could be developed. The market could accept our remarkable discovery (licensed to a manufacturer, produced by a contract assembler or made by our team). Acceptance of our technology in the market can be accomplished as an alternative source of engine attributes. Production is for engine applications in vehicles. Engineering needs to improve because problems can’t be solved as they are designed. Proof of a dynamic design increase and higher output could transform how we engineer products and is likely (forecast) for each app. Our company will promote a technology that’s advanced because generation 2 (2nd gen.) enginescould be accepted in general use as an alternative to dedicated duty engines.

Lab research of adaptable running (dynamic duty) engines is our first objective to help engine assembly plants understand they need kits. Data will prove the value of what we’re doing because each application could change acceptance of the advances. A future market of efficient engines may be investigated and developed. They’re considered attainable and worth pursuing. Engineering leaps are possible with our technology because good results are expected. Your help could make our project reality. Consider making a licensing agreement.

$4,000 could fund lab R&D. Relatively soon an investment of $10,000 is needed to write an algorithm.We’ll complete it after scientific proof from R&D is available.

An exit strategies an initial public offering (IPO) or a buy-out for an investor. Our company offers 1.7X (minimum) an investment for an exit strategy. For $60,000 an investment could yield $1,620,000 profit. Investors could get out then (after a limited requirement is fulfilled).


There are no competitors. Suppliers can’t dispense a similar electronic product by reverse engineering one.Kits are patent protected. See a completed video (website >>>

Predicted pricing

This computing control system is considered a revolutionary scientific approach to solve engine flaws. For a limited time (1 year) a retail kit can sell for what an engine is sold for. 4 cylinder kits are ~$4,000. 6 cylinder kits are ~$6,000. 8 cylinder kits are ~$8,000. Kits could “help solve” world global warming because emissions are limited (near to zero).

Predicted sales

Distribution is to engine assembler sand the developer speculated current production of 26,500/day to consider the goal in the US. After learning“dedicated” operation engines won’t be sold; they’ll buy control system kits. Kit pricing for engine builders is ¾ retail above. $4,000…becomes$3,000;$6,000 … $4,500; $8,000 … $6,000. Direct to the public sales amounts are challenging to predict. Control system developer believes a campaign on the internet could create sales at retail prices the first year. Obvious value to consumers and businesses must be realized. 1,000-10,000 sales/day are possible if media releases bring consumers or display ads (website > are on social media.

Investment opportunity

his is a new product launch. A Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA) and Invent Alabama Club advisors are optimistic. Recommendations are: be conservative about predicted sales numbers to engine suppliers and about retrofitting current engines in vehicles. Figures are realistic if proof from the lab research is good. An agreement with each engine manufacturer will be for an electronic operating system but may need full production once one assembler is satisfied with the results.Our company could be bound to full production once it occurs and ramp up rapidly to supply system kits with help from contracted assembly companies plus our assembly teams. It’s possible to see variable operation of engines universal soon. Engines could have the technology standard on them, e.g., new & current engines.Investor/s exit will be written into their agreement. A hostile take-over must be avoided legally.

Financial requirements

Sufficient lab support isn’t available($4,000 for lab is requested).Capital is needed to manufacture kits.Retail for each kit is 10X the wholesale expense (90% margin).See the tech flier brochure for monetary concerns.


US manufacturers provide 6.9 million engines a year. Features like higher efficiency, more power& other benefits offered to customers are good. Our preferred design is an exciting thing for an investor. Couldn’t allengines in productionuse our newcontrol system that eliminates most components from engines?The opportunity from dynamic engineeringfor allengines could be considered by investors as good.Developer is sure a multiplied return (1.7x to unknown %) is exciting to interested entrepreneurs. This is a bright day for supporters to get a solid return for investing to share the profit because it’s a good engineering idea. Our kit is on the cutting edge of innovation with an advantage in product performance and reputation. Now we must execute (act on) the plans… I have 3 simple tips to do…1. Fill out the Non-disclosure form (NDA), 2. Go to our web site, 3. Ask for more information. What is offered you is an opportunity to make our world better. Thank you for your time and concern about this opportunity because you could benefit from what is superior. Your help could make our project reality. Consider making a Licensing Agreement. We want your funding for lab study.

Problems Worth Solving

Short comings engines have are limited HP output, use fuel constantly, use one fuel and waste most of the fuel. An effective method is here to benefit from. Problems are solved with a technology others haven’t created. The solution wasn’t discovered by engineers yet and proving the engineering in a lab is vital for our world. Transportation applications are valuable. When a performance increase is noted we’ll go further. Making control system kits to solve problems is good.

Road map of Future Plans

Our future is in an outline of steps & objectives when manufacturing.

A.  Board of Directors will come together for a meeting about staff results to determine a suitable General Manager (GM) candidate to help run Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TM

B.  Hire a GM using funds from our company general fund account raised by a campaign on a web site or from a capital funding supporter.

C.  The GM will begin to market the commercial product when the company has them.

D.  The developer could begin production when research is complete, assembly contractors are given an opportunity or when alicense agreement is signed with a supplier.

E.  Begin distribution of the kits we make or a licensed supplier makes.

Market Analysis Summary

We’re entering a mature industry. With our improvement all suppliers could change to variable mode engine control kits. Surpassing every system is here with this technology. The developer could license or supply kits that provide improved efficiency. Every supplier can be open to kits when our technology is proven. Entrance as an option is a challenge for engine systems. There’s no competitor for market share. We’d supply kits as an optional system for engines in the U.S. Units will be engineered to the need specified.Engine suppliers could have an extreme need for what we offer.

Market Segmentation

Our target markets are not associated with age, income, geography, buying patterns, or customer needs. There is no segmentation. Sales are specialized to the engine supply group first. Our business plan is focused on reaching engine suppliers before presenting to the general public.

Target Market Segment Strategy

Market segment is unknown unless a professional organization does due diligence research. Speculating a % of the market is theory not based on present numbers because when a new technology enters the market there are unknown aspects. Our marketing plan is focused on giving information to current engine suppliers. We’ll promote the data to engine suppliers. Supplementing what manufacturers make by adding our kit to each supplier’s line was chosen as realistic by the developer. There needs to be traction established. Once traction (sales) begins suppliers will get the idea because all of them could realize how valuable it is.

Our product could be offered through current suppliers because a fresh product has less chance of becoming a treasured, wanted item for consumers. Our plans are to license or supplement products already in segments of the market. We’ll enter markets through supplier’s networks offering our technology for non-exclusive licensing.

Market Needs

The largest group could be kit purchasers (engine suppliers) or licensees of our technologies. The vehicle market is growing. We’ll improve transportation because it’s a universal need.

Market Trends

See the Business Wire site (Berkshire Hathaway) for trends. The transportation market is continuing to expand at a rate above 5%. Technical analysis of beneficial results produces interest in our technology. See Brochure. A predictable price decrease could be the basis to accept our kits because engines will be smaller& more powerful. Cutting engine building cost in half is good for the market.

Market Growth

Growth is the position of the Business Wire analysis. Growth is expected to be above 5% because most passed a threshold of 6% in 2022. Our best growth may be in the transportation market because Honda Motors has new engines using HHTE operation that gives a HP increase and more efficiency. Reference Honda’s brochure to see the details they promote now. Research gives proof of why an engine improvement grows their market share. Engine improvement has a positive forecast.

Key Customers

Today’s engine suppliers may be our first customers. We’ll improve (supplement) their line of engines. Licensing the technology to engine manufacturers is also considered. Suppliers will be informed of high margins so they’ll want to manufacture engines with what we have. If conditions are favourable our company maybe the exclusive supplier of retail kits to distribute on the web.

Future Markets

Our goal is provide adaptable systems for the future. We’ll pioneer an optional source to replace engines near end of service.


There’s no competing variable system for engines. There are many suppliers. Millions of engines are made each year in the U.S. that could surpass engineering used now.

Competitors and Alternatives

I’ll try to explain why our technology is an alternative to what is in use. Engine suppliers could use engineeringadvances of the kits. Our proposed technology operates a similar way to cams. Our method of making engine systems is versatile and for engineering each use.

Our Advantages

The author studied the common engine. It does its job but has problems that can’t be improved. Electronic operation is similar but has advances. Our company is enthused about the versatility of adapting so an engine can be engineeredandperform better for each situation. Once scientific research (evaluation) begins we may exceed output efficiency. The developer sent a utility patent application to the USPTO Patent Office in Alexandria, Va. You’ll see advantages our special technology has and learn how valuable the features are.

Marketing Plan

Proposing licensing to manufacturers is a way to bring the technology into use. Our responsibility is to create a video presentation of scientific proof to suppliers. Marketing needs to develop give decision makers a positive feeling. We may not get on the market if manufacturers don’t get offered what can improve their engine line. Our approach is logical because when they are given a solution to product problems they’ll act. After our team has exhausted the licensing approach we must have our staff manufacture or arrange to have others assemble the electronic kits. A deal to assemble kits can be done by contract.

Many companies fail because they had the “best thing” but didn’t overcome a competition’s domination of a market. Starting at the bottom a company has difficulty surviving for 5 years. Tesla Corporation came on the electric car scene 10 years ago but just started to make a profit. Tesla has an investor base that writes off losses from their income taxes. We don’t expect to repeat the same mistake Tesla is still doing. Their marketing risk has sabotaged the future. The company is approaching clients based on results other similar car marketers use and become profitable 6-8 years from now. General Motors has the resources to wait out the time it takes get the market to accept what their promotions are set to follow. Our website, brochures & videos (DVD) can go to companies. They give results of receiving our introduction. Our marketing approach is positive and should be seen by company reps for the glowing benefit to them that day.

Our marketing could be through press releases or through email to car manufacturers or through our site. We intend to get engine suppliers to license the technology so they can make systems. Our products could be distributed directly to suppliers after a contract assembler or our team produces them. Resources to assemble them are limited.Our position is to license our tech to manufacturers, contract the assembled products to add to other company’s lines or produce units with our team. Negotiations for price are given to long-time customers and for those making prompt payment for their inventory. Terms of sale can include extended payment plans or provide credit in-house. The credit percentage depends on the market and inflation rate.

Being a producer needs support. Our promotional effort has cynics who can behave poorly to downcast what is sure to be wonderful. First month sales of a super performing adaptable mode control system are uncertain at this time. The author has a unique opportunity because superior technology can improve life. Our brochures will describe the features & benefits of the products when we promote them as beneficial. We’ll post display ads at retailers if we are manufacturing and distributing. Creating a budget for an ad schedule plus hiring a webmaster will be needed then (action programs).

Marketing plan implementation

putting information before clients is valuable. Presently the company is focused on proposing licensing to product assemblers or being a producer of an accessory product to an engine line. Accomplishment of the process is done in stages. Each stage includes several components. Our marketing activity may be strategic.

Facility location

corporate facilities are to be leased when more resources are available. Until that time the developer’s company office is at 268 13th ave ne, birmingham, al 35215


fuel required for each system will be compared. Comparing output of a cam valve train engine at an engineered rpm to output of a similar engine with a variable operation system we’ll show a difference from a fuel meter. When a difference of 50-90% is saved, then our technology makes a leap. The developer computed the highest % saved (99%) at the same rpm.The discovery is a new way.

Key metrics

operating margins are — marketing, sales, product direct cost (cost & labor), product development, rent, taxes, interest, and insurance (liability expenses called outflow). Presently, making a kit hasn’t occurred to develop cash inflow until r&d is done. Kits of electric actuators (solenoids) and computing control systems could be put on assembly lines in may, 2023. Production could begin in 2 months. Concern for money determines profit after costs are removed. The means to measure is the ledger sheet’s balance. Inflow & outflow is a balance to judge whether profit is on the books. Inflow determines margins so the balance sheet avoids a cash crunch. Lack of inflow destroys 90% of businesses. Banks warn about inflow/outflow & margins to be a viable business. Timeline to sending kits is in a month and the books will be in the black.
Licensing is an alternative,then our company won’t manufacture kits. Only by licensing the technology to manufacturers or by getting assembly contracts can we avoid key metrics. The developer intends to inform suppliers of the opportunity to add valuable kits to their company’s engines as soon as they can.

These are the key metrics. Customer acquisition costs, net profit margin, sales revenue, high gross margin percentage, sales growth year-to-date, customer engagement, gross margin, quality products, an excellent sales staff, a well-designed website, an appealing social media presence, great customer reviews, increase the budget for marketing and advertising, improving the site’s seo, enhancing the company’s social media presence, securing press coverage, retention rate, customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value.

Company and Management

This is a pro-forma plan proposal. The company has no staff now.

Organization Structure

Presently the company has no personnel because it’s a seed stage structure.

Management Team

The founder is the only member. If needed a professional team in the future will provide the services for support, production and for day-to-day operations. R&d will be by lab contract until we start production of adaptable operation electronic kits.


Until starting production there will be no staff team to manage.

Personnel Plan

Until starting there will be no personnel because we’re a pro-forma business.

Company History and Ownership

Parent company I Care Creations, LLC TM, formed Dec. 28, 2007 and registered in Nevada. Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TM– pro-forma subsidiary named Nov. 16, 2018 in Birmingham, Al. Owner Paul Robert Otto, PO Box 170115, Birmingham, Al 35217

Company List

  1. Legal entity (OCSl) established December 28, 2017, by Paul R Otto, CEO & Board of Directors
  2.  Initial capital contribution received September 21, 2018
  3.  Business Plan completed February 16, 2023, Paul R Otto, author
  4.  Our concept is to get professional videos ready for posting on indie go, go fund me or a similar site, the site or hyper-links on press releases. We’ll post videos or repeating GIFs.
  5.  Our budget is waiting for support investment from funding, an investor, web site or social fund
  6.  Our responsibility is to complete the lab research

Financial Plan

Our company is in a seed stage of a pro-forma business. Speculation of cash flow is dependent on when the administrators of the engine suppliers order the control systems.A $4,000 fund allows research to be made. See the Sales/Revenue Forecast of a start-up analysis next. When research proves the vital data is true (fact) marketing and sales to engine suppliers will begin with orders sent daily for 26,500 kits. $88.139 M/day profit, $22.88 B/yr. or $114.4 B profit for 5 yrs. Internet retail sales are projected as $4.57 M/day profit for 1,000 kits. At 1,000 kits per day in a year it is $1.188 B profit. In 5 years at the same rate 5.941 B profit or a total of 29.705 B profit is made on the internet. When there are 10,000 kits/day then profits are 10 times more or 59.41 B/yr. (5 yr. total is 297.05 B profit). Figures have potential to be similar. After the systems are proven to function in real world operation pre-production orders can be made. Pre-orders with Deposits are needed for kits.

Sales/Revenue Forecast

These projections are from the Brochure.Sales per year are 6.9M kits to engine suppliers in US. Licensing to companies is favourable. Projection of an adaptable control system’s profit is $88.139 M/day. Revenue for the company tentatively is$22.88 B profit/yr.($88.14 M/day X 260) from issuing kits to engine suppliers. Retail on the internet’s total production profit is $4.57 M/day for 1,000 kits. The developer speculated the amounts could be in the beginning weeks. When 10,000 kits/day sell there is 45.72 M profit/day or $11.88 B profit/yr. Licensing is offered. Use the agreement.

SWOT Analysis –


Our business has 15 years of experience in a different field with a reliable track record. See website > The developer is familiar with balance sheet cash flow. Starting up a running business is on hold until offering licensing is exhausted.See the Case Study. An interested company will sign the Licensing Agreement.


If we don’t contact funding sites and market the idea we’ll have little chance of raising a sum to allow us to move forward. A weakness would be to not post videos in display ads on the internet.


What opportunities are here? Our business has contacted engineers in mechanical engineering & design for their opinion. Doubting Thomas’ see the negative rather than positive aspects of how well our design could do. The opportunity is explained consistently in the business proposal. A more efficient method to run engines is good. Variable operation is a huge technical engineering leap.


Our business has no known risks. When a special technology is available to solve problems it is entering new ground. Our next step is to get more reactions from more engineers.


Without starting production an office, production facilities and material expenses are zero. Getting an offer to share a warehouse with a steel supplier in the Hager Building may be the initial assembly plant. A sub-lease wasn’t arranged. Having an office is important.

We’ll keep trying because we had strong responses. We’ll post videos. Being on a funding site must be done soon. Marketing could be our saviour. Our product is on the cutting edge of innovation & has a competitive advantage in both product performance and reputation. The discovery is considered phenomenal because control systems solve problems. Now act on our plan… Go to our website >>>


Here’s a review for this plan.Piston engines may use any fuel, have changeable firing, produce more power and provide more mpg (one or more cylinders could occasionally work to maintain rpm). This is an advantage once a “steady” speed is obtained. Freewheeling (occasional pulses) has promise because higher mpg may be proven.Our preferred design is an exciting thing for an investor. Couldn’t all production include our patent pending control system?Dynamic operation for all engines could be considered by investors as good. Developer assures a multiplied return (1.7x to unknown %) is exciting to interested entrepreneurs. This is a bright day for supporters to get a solid return for investing to help or partnering to share the profit because it’s a good engineering idea.

See the Technology Explanation in the Brochure(tech flier).

Thank you for your time and concern about this opportunity. You could benefit from this.

Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc.TM PO Box 170115, Birmingham, Al 35217