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This is vital for everyone that uses vehicles in the world. I’ll answer points that concern investors. Here’s an introduction investors could understand.

Wouldn’t you like to reduce carbon pollution that’s increasing? The average air temp is rising and is causing global weather to become extreme. Records are available. Dramatic high winds, drought and areas being flooded need a solution to the serious problems. Learn about a good solution in this explanation.

We have what is unique and novel. It’s a special method. An electronic system with a computer algorithm controls how engines operate. For 149 years engines operated with a cam assembly. While it worked ok, an unknown electronic technology called Generation 2 (Gen2) can replace cam assembly systems. Our adaptable operation, computer controlled product is the first in the industry. Semi truck diesels could have Gen2 systems. Lab results that show saving 99% of fuel should prove the electronic systems improve engines & are revolutionary.

There are no competitors because our unknown, patent pending control systems are exclusive. Investors have a chance of having a good financial return because this system will be the only one in the transportation market. Possibly Gen2 may take over the industry. The market may only have engines improved (altered) by Gen2 systems here. 26,500 engines each day are made for vehicles in the US. If foreign suppliers don’t have Gen2 kits to improve their vehicles they won’t be sold in the US.

Engines could have power mode (Mode1) until any speed is reached & steady for 5 seconds. After that the Master Control switches to open valves (Mode2) so engines will spin with limited back pressure. The control algorithm occasionally activates one cylinder (Mode2) to maintain rpm above the minimum level for that speed. For example, one pulse might happen every 10 cycles (10 X mpg). A 4 cylinder engine could multiply the mpg times 40 (40 X 25 = 1,000 mpg) because only one cylinder is activated to keep the engine spinning above a minimum rpm for any steady speed. Being aware of an improved method of miserly (saving) fuel use may help it become universal. Adding carbon dioxide to the climate is limited. What’s on the horizon for Generation 2 (Gen2) engines? Didn’t this show it could be on all engines? Consider that new engines & those in current vehicles could have the technology. The transportation industry is about to convert to Gen2 when research results are done & the algorithm coding is written.

A proof of concept protoype is in a storage unit. Taking the dual cylinder engine to an experimental engine lab is possible for scientific testing to reveal the system’s properties. Lab results will be in a computer file. Those results could be proof for a thesis document.

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